Wednesday, May 14, 2014


This page contains a list of all HTML elements for the HTML 4.01 standard, also corresponding to the XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 standards (with the exception of those deprecated). Next to each element you'll find a symbol indicating whether it's empty or not. This may be helpful when writing XHTML code.

Note that red color is used to mark deprecated elements, which use is no longer recommended. Elements are deprecated because they are replaced by others (e.g., the HTML applet element was replaced by the HTML object element) or because style sheets became a preferred way to achieve their effects. Also, note that deprecated tags and attributes may not be supported by further versions (e.g., HTML 5). That's another very good reason to stop using them.

Note: If you don't know what a tag or element is and/or how you must use it, we recommend you read our HTML tags and attributes tutorial, which you can find in our HTML tutorials section.

HTML documents">

Element           Empty  Short description
<!-- -->            Inserts hidden comments
<!DOCTYPE> Sets the document type
<a>                 Inserts links or bookmarks
<abbr>           Explains/expands abbreviations
<acronym>     Explains/expands acronyms
<address>      Shows contact information of the author
<applet>         Inserts an applet (script)
<area>            Defines sectors for image maps
<b>                 Converts text into bold style
<base>           Sets the base URI used to solve relative URIs
<basefont>    Sets the default font size for the entire document
<bdo>            Overrides the bidirectional algorithm for its content
<big>              Displays text in "large" font style
<blockquote>  Inserts a paragraph quotation
<body>           Acts as a container for all renderable elements in the document (document's body)
<br>              Forces a line break
<button> Creates a button that allows HTML content (elements)
<caption>     Sets a caption for a table
<center>      Displays its content centered
<cite>          Inserts a citation or reference
<code>        Declares its content as computer code
<col>           Sets general attributes for a table's columns
<colgroup> Groups a number of columns in a table
<dd>           Shows a definition in a term/definition list
<del>          Indicates text that should be deleted or replaced (no longer valid)
<dfn>          Assings a definition to a term
<dir>          Inserts a directory list (tree)
<div>          Defines a block of content
<dl>            Inserts a term/definition list
<dt>            Inserts a term in a term/definition list
<em>           Indicates emphasis for its content
<fieldset>    Groups controls in a form
<font>          Sets the font style for its content
<form>         Inserts a form
<frame>        Inserts a single frame
<frameset>   Inserts a set of frames
<h1>             Defines a level 1 heading
<h2>             Defines a level 2 heading
<h3>             Defines a level 3 heading
<h4>             Defines a level 4 heading
<h5>             Defines a level 5 heading
<h6>             Defines a level 6 heading
<head>         Encloses the document's header block (for document's global declarations)
<hr>             Draws a horizontal line or ruler
<html>          Acts as container for the entire document (head and body)
<i>                Renders its content in italic font style
<iframe>      Inserts a frame inside the content of the document
<img>            Inserts an image
<input>          Displays an input control (text, passwords, radio buttons, checkboxes, files, etc.)
<ins>           Indicates that its content has been inserted in a previous text
<isindex>     Provides a single line prompt
<kbd>          Represents text to be entered by users
<label>        Sets a label for a control in a form
<legend>     Assigns a caption for a fieldset (group of controls in a form)
<li>             Inserts an item in a list (for ordered and unordered lists)
<link>         Gives relational information about a document by linking it to other resources
<map>      Defines a client-side image map
<menu>     Inserts a menu list
<meta>     Provides information about the document in form of variables (name and value)
<noframes> Provides alternative content for frames, displayed when frames support is not available
<noscript>  Provides alternative content for scripts, displayed when scripts support is not available
<object>  Inserts external applications (e.g., Flash movies/animations)
<ol>              Inserts an ordered list
<optgroup>   Groups options in a "select" control
<option>       Defines an option in a "select" control
<p>               Inserts a paragraph
<param>      Sets a parameter for an object
<pre>         Renders preformatted text, usually in a fixed width font, respecting spaces and line breaks
<q>            Inserts an inline quotation
<s>             Renders strike-through text
<samp>       Represents sample output for programs
<script>      Acts as a container for client-side script code
<select>        Creates a select control (drop-down list of options)
<small>         Renders text in "small" font
<span>         Encloses a piece of text (inline), most useful to assign attributes to its content
<strike>          Renders strike-through text
<strong>        Indicates strong emphasis for its content
<style>           Contains style sheets code defining visual attributes for the document
<sub>             Inserts subscript text
<sup>             Inserts superscript text
<table>           Acts as main container for table data
<tbody>            Defines a body in a table
<td>                 Inserts a regular cell in a table
<textarea>       Creates a multiline text input
<tfoot>             Defines a footer in a table
<th>                 Inserts a header cell in a table
<thead>           Defines a header in a table
<title>             Defines a title for the entire document
<tr>                 Inserts a row of cells in a table
<tt>                  Renders teletype text
<u>                  Renders underlined text
<ul>                 Inserts an unordered list
<var>               Indicates an instance of a variable